Nicholas S. Colin Campbell
Boston, MA - Seattle, WA - San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
Whichever one lets Trans folks use the bathroom they want to use
Aretéan (The Assemblage of Areté) - Atheist
English, Modern Standard Arabic, French
Political Orphan
NSCC, Defense Language Institute, Palomar College, SDSU
284 semester hour credits, cumulative GPA: 3.0
United States Marine Corps: Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)
Pilot G-2 .07 (Black)
"Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson
Current City:
Hogwarts House:
Political Affiliation:
Formal Education:
Education Credits:
Myers-Briggs Type:
Veteran Status:
Favorite Food:
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Major Achievements
Survived birth (only kind-of a joke)
Public speaker at the "Freedom at the Arboretum" Independence Day celebration in Spokane, WA at age 5
Top salesman in Boy Scout troop fundraiser at age 13
Lowest grade in a course-not-dropped in my high school's history: Algebra II, 6%
Honorably served a two-year proselyting mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from 19 to 21
Critically analyzed my religious beliefs and separated myself from the LDS church at age 24
Lead role in a theatrical production which received national attention at 25
Successfully completed "The Crucible" earning for myself the right to claim the title of United States Marine at 26
Graduated from the prestigious and extremely high attrition Defense Language Institute at 27
Recognized for outstanding service by a multi-national task-force for actions in Afghanistan at 29
Conceived, formulated, and founded both the Aretéanism religion and The Assemblage of Areté organization at 31